About Me

Profile picture of me

Hello! My name is Erica!

I am the jack of all trades designer. I have learned the skills of web developing, graphic design, video, audio, and photography throughout my years of experience. Some of these skills were brought upon my father, whom I consider my role-model. The work I bring to the table is fresh and unique. It will be the best work you are willing to have. The secret ingredient to this is love. If you want to work with me, I am happy to take that offer.

What do I do?

Graphic design icon (a card with a heart icon and some writing)
Graphic Design
Filming icon (Is basically a film camera)
Audio icon (Headphones and player)
Video editing icon (Has a screen with some video editing items)
Video Editing
Photography icon (Is basically a camera)
HTML icon (Literally says HTML)
PHP icon (Literally says PHP)
CSS icon (Literally says CSS)
MySQL icon (Shows a small database)
Singing icon (Basically a microphone with music notes)